Humminbird AS GR4 User Manual

Page 16

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North Reference

North Reference allows you to have bearings displayed with one
of two orientations: True North or Magnetic North.

To change the North Reference setting:

1. Highlight North Reference on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the North Reference setting.

(True, Magnetic, Default = True)

Grid Rotation

Grid Rotation allows you to set the orientation of the trolling grid

in degrees, where a setting of 0° displays a standard North, South, East, West alignment. See
Waypoints for information on how to set a Grid.

To change the Grid Rotation setting:

1. Highlight Grid Rotation on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Grid Rotation setting. (0°

to 89°, Default = 0°)

Trackpoint Interval

Trackpoint Interval allows you to select the time period between

trackpoints. The current track can only contain up to 2000 trackpoints, so longer time periods cause
the track to extend back further in time, but will be less detailed.

NOTE: Trackpoint Interval works in conjunction with Track Min Distance. Both conditions must be met
before a trackpoint is added to the current track.

To change the Trackpoint Interval setting:

1. Highlight Trackpoint Interval on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Trackpoint Interval setting.

(1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds, Default = 15

NOTE: During slow travel or drift, setting both Trackpoint Interval and Track Min Distance to small
values will allow you to increase the track resolution.



Waypoints allows you to view the Waypoints submenu.

To view the Waypoints Submenu:

1. Highlight Waypoints on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to view the Waypoints submenu.

The Waypoints Submenu contains the following menu choices:

Create allows you to create a new waypoint and edit it immediately. The current boat position will
be used as the default, but you can set the coordinates to any valid position. The Icon used to
represent the waypoint in the Track and Combo Views can also be changed.

Edit allows you to choose from a list of previously-saved waypoints, then edit the Name, Position
(Latitude and Longitude) and select the Icon that will be used to represent the waypoint in the Track
and Combo Views.

Delete allows you to delete a waypoint from the list of saved waypoints.

Go To allows you to select a waypoint and start navigation toward that waypoint, or add that
waypoint to the end of the current route.

Target allows you to apply a target to a waypoint selected from the list of waypoints.

Grid allows you to apply a trolling grid to a waypoint selected from the list of waypoints.

View Orientation

View Orientation allows you to select whether the Track and
Combo Views should be drawn North-Up or Course-Up.

To change the View Orientation setting:

1. Highlight View Orientation on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the View Orientation setting.

(North-Up, Course-Up, Default = North-Up)

NOTE: The View Orientation setting does not apply to the Bird's Eye View.

Waypoints Submenu