Hunter Fan UH68ODK User Manual
Page 23

UH68ODK Tent Heater
Cleaning, Mixer
1. Remove mixer from carb assembly
Caution: The mixer assembly is made of brass and can be scratched or
dented very easily. Great care must be taken not damage the mixer nozzle.
The performance of your heater depends on this delicate part.
2. Soak mixer in solvent bath for an hour or so to loosen up carbon deposits.
3. With a flashlight look for dirt
or carbon here. Dirt may be
blown out using compressed
air. Do not use a pick or any
hard tools to clean this area
Mixer Assembly
There are two concentric rings
here. The center ring is paper-
thin. Inspect for dents, scratches
and nicks. This area must be free
of dirt and carbon.
4. Clean this area using a soft
cloth and solvent. Wipe with a
twisting motion.
If the mixer assembly cannot be cleaned satisfactorily,