Installation and adjustment – haier HWM8000 User Manual

Page 6

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Install the bottom plate

Adjust the installation position

Please install and adjust the machine according to the requirement of the manual, which is very
important for you to operate the machine safely and properly.

After opening the package, please lean the

washing machine gently down on soft items

(like towel cloth, blanket, etc.). Install the

bottom plate to the bottom of the machine

with eight screws by a cross screwdriver,

then lift the machine up gently. See to the




Soft item


Bottom plate





Adjustable nut

Adjustable leg

The largest allowable slope of the shank base
of the machine is 2

. The slanting or rough

ground will result in unstable running or
stoppage of the machine. Please adjust it with
following methods:

Confirm it's horizontal:

Adjust the adjustable leg:

If the bulb of the level meter at the balance display
position is inside the standard circle, it indicates that
the machine is horizontal. Otherwise you need to
a d j u s t th e a d j u s t a b l e l e g o f t h e m a c h i n e .

1.To twist the adjustable leg, please first lift up the
leg side slightly, loosen the adjustable nut, and
then twist the leg.
2.After adjustment, fasten the nut.

Air bubble

Standard circle


Not suitable

Installation and adjustment