Harbor Freight Tools CAST IRON VERTICAL 93271 User Manual
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SKU 93271
For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
IndustrIal aPPlICatIons Must FolloW osHa rEQuIrEMEnts.
staY alErt.
Watch what you are doing at all times. Use common sense. Do
not use this product when you are tired or distracted from the job at hand.
CHECK For daMaGEd Parts.
Before using this product, carefully check that
it will operate properly and perform its intended function. Check for damaged parts
and any other conditions that may affect the operation of this product. Replace or
repair damaged or worn parts immediately.
rEPlaCEMEnt Parts and aCCEssorIEs:
When servicing, use only identi-
cal replacement parts. Only use accessories intended for use with this product.
Approved accessories are available from Harbor Freight Tools.
MaIntaIn tHIs ProduCt WItH CarE.
Keep this product clean and dry for
better and safer performance.
For your safety, service and maintenance should be performed
regularly by a qualified technician.
usE tHE rIGHt tool For tHE JoB.
Do not attempt to force a small tool or
attachment to do the work of a larger industrial tool. There are certain applications
for which this tool was designed. It will do the job better and more safely at the
rate for which it was intended. Do not modify this tool, and do not use this tool for
a purpose for which it was not intended.
The warnings, precautions, and instructions discussed in this manual cannot cover
all possible conditions and situations that may occur. The operator must under-
stand that common sense and caution are factors, which cannot be built into this
product, but must be supplied by the operator.
sPECIFIC ProduCt WarnInGs and PrECautIons
Fill the Air Compressor with a premium quality, 30-weight, non-deter-
gent oil before each use. Running the Air Compressor with no oil or low oil will
cause damage to the equipment.
note: The oil reservoir has an optimal capacity of 30 ounces of oil.
MaKE surE all tools and EQuIPMEnt usEd WItH tHE aIr CoMPrEs-
sor arE ratEd to tHE aPProPrIatE CaPaCItY. Do not use any tool or
equipment that does not operate at or above the PSI that the compressor’s regula-
tor is set to.
draIn aIr CoMPrEssor EVErY daY.
Do not allow moisture to build up inside
the Air Compressor.
section of this manual.)
MaIntaIn a saFE WorKInG EnVIronMEnt.
Keep the work area well lit.
Make sure there is adequate surrounding workspace. Always keep the work area