Humminbird LCR 8000D User Manual
Page 24

screen will not erase it from memory. You can recall a screen over and over without
losing it. The only way to lose a screen is to store a new screen in its place.
2. Store: - Storing a screen in memory is very easy. After selecting the desired memory
location, simply press either the Store L (left) or Store R (right) button. Pressing the R
(right) button will store the right side of the display screen and pressing the L (left)
button will store the left side, so that zoom, bottom lock or the left side of the full
depth range may be stored. The depths of the upper and lower part of the screen will
also be stored for reference later.
If you store a screen into a memory location that already has information stored, the old
information will be erased and the new information will be stored. In this way you may
use a memory location over and over again.
To discontinue the Memory feature, press the Mode Select button to select either depth
or temperature.
Since your Humminbird LCR is completely waterproof, it can be cleaned with soap and water or
hosed off after salt water use with no fear of damage to the unit or its electronics. When cleaning
the lens, it is suggested you use a chamois cloth and a non-abrasive cleaner such as windex. Do
not wipe while dirt or other gritty material is on the lens. Care should be exercised to avoid
scratching the lens.
Care should be exercised to keep chemicals such as bug repelent, ammonia, abrasive cleaners,
or gasoline away from the LCR case and lens.
As with any electrical instrument, do not leave your LCR on the dash board or rear window area
of the car. The sun can create extremely high temperatures which can damage the case and
internal electrical components.
Extreme heat can possibly cause a blackening of the display. This is a temporary condition which
will quickly clear. It is recommended that during periods of non-use, such as parking or trailoring
the boat, that the LCR be removed from the boat or that the LCR face be turned down away from
direct sun.
During extended periods of non-use, such as winter, you should store the LCR and other
removable depth sounders in the house or garage. This will help prolong the good appearance
and operation of these instruments.
After installing the unit, transducer, and power cable as instructed, the LCR is ready for use. By
following the steps below you will be able to quickly learn how to use the LCR. Also, trouble
shooting suggestions are listed in these steps. Note: Perform steps 1 through 6 at idle or slow
speed. These steps will insure that your LCR is working properly. Step 7 will test the high speed
operation of your transducer installation.
Step 1
Turn your LCR on by pushing the "On" button. The LCR's computer will automatically adjust the
sensitivity and depth range so that in about one second you will see images appear on the right