Humminbird LCR 8000D User Manual
Page 20

The information on the left side of the display is an expanded view of the area from the
top of the zoom region to the bottom of the zoom region. The exact depth of the top and
bottom of the zoom range will be displayed in the upper and lower left corners of the
screen. As the zoom range is moved up or down these numbers will change to indicate
the exact setting of the zoom range. These depth indicators will be very useful in
pinpointing the exact depth of fish or structure.
The zoom may be activated at anytime but while learning to use the zoom feature you
might find it easiest to first press the Stop/Resume button to freeze the display. Now you
can select the zoom range size, position it, activate the zoom and have time to study the
While the zoom is turned on you can move the zoom range up and down. This will allow
you to search or look at an entire area in fine detail. The LCR's Total Screen Update
feature allows you to zoom in on an area even after you have passed over it.
Remember that because of the LCR's Total Screen Update feature even while you are
using Zoom, no information is being lost. You can turn Zoom off, go to any depth range
and see all the information just as if you had been on that depth range all long.
Bottom Lock: - Bottom Lock can be turned on only when the LCR is in the automatic
mode and zoom is off. To activate bottom lock, hold down the Zoom/Bottom Lock button
for 1 to 2 seconds (the key panel has a "Dash" by the BL symbol indicating that you must
hold down to activate bottom lock). When bottom lock is activated the screen will
automatically split to show the full depth scale information on the right and an expanded
view from the bottom up on the left. Just above the word Bottom Lock on the left side of
the display will appear a group of arrows indicating that Bottom Lock is on. (See Figure
Bottom Lock will give an expanded view up from the bottom. You will notice that as the
bottom depth changes, the zoom range will also change to maintain its position to the
bottom. You will find that the bottom lock feature is easiest to use on a relatively smooth
bottom or at slow trolling speeds.