Operation, Testing, Troubleshooting – Harbor Freight Tools 94137 User Manual
Page 6

Page 6
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Trailer Lights
Read the EntiRE imPoRtant SaFEty inFoRmation section at the
beginning of this document including all text under subheadings therein
before set up or use of this product.
to PREVEnt SERiouS injuRy oR dEath FRom dRiVing hazaRdS:
test operation of all lights before every use. troubleshoot and repair wiring
properly before using. do not use while trailer light operation does not match
vehicle light operation, if any lights do not light up, or if any lights flicker.
Park on level area away from traffic and set vehicle parking brake/chock tires.
1. Connect the Y-Harness (3) Plug
to the Trunk Harness (4) Plug.
2. Turn on the towing vehicle’s
headlights. The two Tail Lights
(1a and 1b) should turn on.
3. The brighter Stop Lights should turn
on only when the vehicle’s brake
pedal is depressed, or when the
vehicle’s turn signal is activated
(ignition key must be in its “on” position).
Possible Causes
No lights light up.
1. Vehicle’s running lights off.
2. Trailer wiring harness disconnected or connection is loose.
3. Main ground wire not connected properly.
Trailer light operation does not
match vehicle light operation.
Trunk Harness not wired properly to vehicle electrical system or
Y-Harness not wired properly to trailer lights.
A specific light does not
light up or flickers.
1. Wiring to that light is loose or disconnected.
2. That light is broken.
All lights flicker.
1. Trailer wiring harness connection is loose.
2. Main ground wire not connected properly.
Vehicle’s fuse blows repeatedly. Short circuit somewhere in wiring or lights. Diagnose to isolate
and repair the problem. Route wires carefully to avoid pinching.
Follow all safety precautions whenever diagnosing or servicing the lights.
Park on level area away from traffic and set vehicle parking brake/chock tires.