Humminbird Wide Vision User Manual

Page 18

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Figure A shows the default screen layout. With the speed and temperature gauge connected a distance
back number is displayed which represents the linear distance of the sonar information being displayed.
The faster your boat is traveling, the greater the distance number. If you are not using the
temperature/speed accessory, the screen layout will be slightly different, as shown in Figure B.

If you are using the Wide Side accessory transducer, the screen layout will look like Figure C.

Later, you will learn of another feature called "advanced operation". This feature uses yet another screen
layout as shown in Figure D which maximizes the display for the terrain and target presentation.

The number of vertical pixels (picture elements or dots) in a given depth range determines the display
resolution, or ability to differentiate targets close to the bottom or other targets. The Wide Vision is
capable of distinguishing between targets only 6 inches apart, and show fish within 6 inches of the

On all screens but the Wide Side view, the horizontal line at the top of the display is the "Zero" line. This
represents the surface of the water. The "Zero" line will always have a gap which moves as the screen
updates. This gap lets you know that the display is updating even if the bottom terrain remains the same
or is not visible on the selected depth range. The farthest right column of information is the most recent
information, and it shows what is directly under your boat.