Hornet Car Security 851T User Manual

Page 28

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step 9

Immobilizer Bypass Modules

Most newer vehicles have a factory engine immobilizer system

designed to prevent any unauthorized use of the vehicle. These

immobilizers will cut off power to the starter and the fuel supply

preventing a thief from starting the vehicle.

There are several types of immobilizers, with the most common

being the resistance based passlock/passlock 2 systems found on

most newer GM vehicles. This system can be bypassed using the

557L immobilizer bypass module available at your local retail

dealer. The majority of transponder-based immobilizer systems

can be bypassed using the 557U immobilizer bypass module

available at your local retail dealer.

To determine what bypass module your vehicle requires, check

your web vehicle information sheet.

warning! Any vehicle equipped with a fac-
tory immobilizer must use an immobilizer
bypass module to remote start. If not used,
the vehicle ignition or fuel supply circuits
could lock up and require a costly trip to
the dealer to reset the computer system.