Hornet Car Security 851T User Manual

Page 20

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The last safety shutdown wire is the neutral safety wire. This

wire is extremely important as it prevents the vehicle from

starting in gear which could cause serious bodily harm.

When determining the neutral safety wire it is important to test

the vehicles starting circuit for factory neutral safety features. To

do this, simply put the vehicle in gear and try to start the vehicle

with the key. If the vehicle starts in gear there is no factory safe-

guards and the safety switch must be installed.

The after-market safety switch will have two wires coming off it.

Take one of the wires (it does not matter which one) and strip

back a ¾-inch section of the insulation off the wire. Crimp a ring

terminal to the wire, and using a self tapping screw, drill the screw

with the ring terminal to the same area as the ground wire. Solder

the other wire on the switch to the BLACK/WHITE wire on the

secondary connector and cover the connection with electrical tape.

If the vehicle will NOT start in gear, the vehicle is equipped with
a factory neutral safety circuit and will need to be located with
the multi-meter.

warning! The vehicle may lunge forward
when started if there is no factory safegau-
rds. Have the emergency brake engaged,
and be prepared to quickly press on the
brake and turn the engine off.