Hafler P7000 User Manual
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The XCard crossover modules are plug-in cards located inside the amplifier. The P7000 is shipped with 100Hz
XCards in each channel. Since each XCard can operate full range, high-pass or low-pass, with a 12dB per octave
slope, this allows the amplifier to be used in a wide range of applications. XCards are available for a variety of
frequencies from your dealer or through our Customer Service department.
To order additional XCards call Customer Service at 800-669-9899. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MST,
Monday through Friday. All orders are pre-paid and VISA and MasterCard are accepted.
Two-Channel Stereo
To run the P7000 in two-channel mode, set the front channel NORMAL/BRIDGED switch in the
NORMAL position and set the rear panel STEREO/BI-AMP switch to the STEREO position. This
configures the amplifier for conventional left and right stereo operation.
Dual Mono
The rear panel STEREO/BI-AMP switch configures the input connection required by the amplifier.
With the switch set for STEREO Channel 1 and Channel 2 require separate input signal source feeds.
When the switch is set for BI-AMP the Channel 1 input feeds the signal to both amplifier channels for
dual-mono operation. The level control and XCard for each channel are still active.
Bridged Mono
In systems with higher power requirements, the P7000 can be configured for signal channel, bridged
mono operation. To bridge the amplifier, set the front panel NORMAL/BRIDGED switch to the
BRIDGED position. Only the Channel 1 input and level control is used and the Channel 2 level control
and XCard are not active. The speaker is connected to the RED output binding posts. When the
amplifier is bridged, the output is floating. Any speaker which requires a common ground from the
amplifier output cannot be used in this application. Since a bridged amplifier shares the load between
the two channels, each channel will effectively drive half of the load. Therefore, for bridged operation
we recommend using an eight ohm load as the minimum impedance.
The speaker output connectors are dual binding posts which will accept wire up to 12 AWG. They are spaced
on 3/4" centers for use with dual banana plugs.