Chapter 1. welcome, 1 our invitation to hiti photo printer family – Hi-Touch Imaging Technologies PHOTOSHUTTLE 640PS User Manual
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Chapter 1. Welcome
1-1 Our Invitation to HiTi Photo
Printer Family
It is our pleasure to have you onboard as the member of HiTi Photo Printer
family. We thank you for your patronage and hope this is just the beginning of
our long-term association. Through our printer, picture will be transformed into
masterpieces. HiTi Photo Printer offers tremendous creativity; digital age will
become full of wonderful memories and treasures.
Space Age Design with Ultra Slim Dimensions
Boxy and bulky will be words from your grandparent's dictionary. HiTi Photo
Printer gives you a brand new revolution on what printer is all about.
Distinctive color design and vertical body makes your desk bigger than it is.
The joy of darkroom will come alive again. It is the place where your memory
will last forever.