Handspring Visor User Manual
Page 84

Page 84
Common Tasks
4. Continue pressing the application buttons to narrow the list based
on the second, third, forth, etc. letters of the name.
For example, to find the name Jan Vanderlin:
a. Press the Address button to see last names starting with M-Z.
b. Press the Date Book button to see last names with the second
letter between A-L.
c. Press the To Do List button to see first names starting with A-L
and last names starting with M-Z.
d. Press the To Do List button to see first names with the second
letter between A-L.
5. Press the bottom scroll button twice to Stop entering letters and to
enter scroll mode.
6. Press the scroll buttons to select a name from the Fast Lookup list.
7. Press the Address button or the To Do List button to open the
selected address.
8. Press the Date Book button or Memo button to exit Fast Lookup.
Press to find last
names that begin
with A-L
Press to find last
names that begin
with M-Z
Press to find first
names that begin
with A-L
Press to find first
names that begin
with M-Z
Find names in
this category