Hustler Turf 4300 User Manual
Page 23

Steering Lever Neutral Adjustment with Turnbuckle
Fine adjustment to the steering is made with the
turnbuckle on the front end of the steering control lever
linkage. Additional adjustment is available if necessary at
the rear linkage straps near the pump.
Neutral is properly adjusted when the T-Lever steering
tube is locked in the neutral position and the drive wheels
are in neutral (not turning).
If the tractor creeps in neutral position the control linkage
may be adjusted as follows:
1. Raise and block the tractor up so the drive wheels are
off of the floor.
Make certain machine is secure
when it is raised and placed on the jack stands.
The jack stands should not allow the machine to
move when the engine is running and the drive
wheels are rotating. Use only certified jack
2. Position the T-Lever steering tube in neutral position
and lock the neutral lock lever.
3. Start the engine, engage hydraulics and observe which
way the wheels are rotating.
On units with serial numbers prior to
and including 11374 (last five digits) before making
the neutral adjustment, loosen the nut securing the
connecting link to the rear pump steering linkage. Fig.
5-2. This will be tightened again after neutral is
On units with serial numbers after
11374 (last five digits) before making the neutral
adjustment, loosen the nut securing the connecting link
to the front pump steering linkage. Fig. 5-4. This will
be tightened again after neutral is adjusted.
4. If wheel(s) are rotating forward, loosen the lock nuts
on the turnbuckles and rotate the turnbuckle to shorten
the linkage referenced in Fig. 5-1 until the wheel(s)
come to a stop.
Turnbuckle already at maximum adjustment:
On units with serial numbers prior to and
including 11374 (last five digits) if the turnbuckle is
adjusted to the maximum (threads bottomed out or
extended with more than 1-1/4" exposed when
ignoring the jam nut on either side of the turnbuckle),
turn the turnbuckle back to the center of its adjustment
(3/4" of threads showing when ignoring jam nut).
Then adjust to approximate neutral using the slots in
the rear steering linkage before making the final
adjustment with the turnbuckle.
On units with serial numbers after 11374 (last five
digits) if the turnbuckle is adjusted to the maximum
(threads bottomed out or extended with more than 1-
1/4" exposed when ignoring the jam nut on either side
of the turnbuckle), turn the turnbuckle back to the
center of its adjustment (3/4" of threads showing when
ignoring jam nut). Then check the 3.59” ± .06
dimension shown in Fig. 5-5. Make certain this
dimension is correct then loosen the front nut and
adjust to approximate neutral. Fig. 5-4 Re-tighten nut
and make the final adjustment with the turnbuckle.
5. If wheel(s) are rotating in reverse then loosen the lock
nuts on the turnbuckle and rotate the turnbuckle to
lengthen the linkage as referenced in Fig. 5-1 until the
wheel(s) come to a stop.
6. When both wheels remain in neutral then tighten the
lock nuts to lock the turnbuckle.
7. Test again by raising the neutral lock lever and moving
the T-lever around and returning it again to the neutral
position and locking it.
On units with serial numbers prior to
and including 11374 (last five digits) if the tires are
in neutral, adjust the connecting link to make the
spring vertical, then tighten the nut holding the
728444 Rev. 11/02
Figure 5-3
Spring is perpendicular to the plates
Plate on front
pump arm
Plate on rear
pump arm
Front of Tractor
Illustrative only, not all parts are shown
Tension adjusting nut
Spring is perpendicular (vertical) to the plates
Connecting link
Plate on front
pump arm
Plate on rear
pump arm
Tighten nut
after steering is
set to neutral
Figure 5-4
Front of Tractor
Loosen this nut
Figure 5-5
3.59” ± .06