Eaton Electrical 9390 User Manual
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EATON CORPORATION Eaton 9390 Uninterruptible Power System
Scalable architecture meets your current and
future load requirements
The 9390 supports up to 160 kVA to deliver power protection for small branch offices to large corporate
data centers and communication networks. Up to six equivalent 9390 modules can be paralleled for
additional capacity or redundancy, without having to utilize a central bypass cabinet. In all paralleling con-
figurations, each UPS module operates independently yet is completely synchronized with the others.
Parallel UPS modules can provide N+1, N+2, or greater redundancy.
Powerware Hot Sync
technology: The
culmination of power
Eaton’s patented Powerware
Hot Sync technology enables
multiple UPSs to share the load
equally, eliminating the transfer
time when shifting the load
from one module to the other.
The load share control algo-
rithms maintain adjustments to
variations in the output power
When two or more UPSs oper-
ate in parallel for capacity and
redundancy, Hot Sync addresses
the two primary concerns of
load sharing and selective trip-
Powerware Hot Sync wireless paralleling technology for capacity or redundancy
This two-module system shown below can be configured as 160 kVA N+1 redundant (320 kVA capacity
with 36-inch tie cabinet). The width of this configuration is a compact 164.6 inches.
Tie Cabinet
160 kVA UPS Modules
ping. To address these concerns
for reliability – the degree of
autonomy and the complexity
of implementation – Hot Sync
combines digital signal process-
ing and an advanced control
algorithm to provide automatic
load sharing and selective trip-
ping in a parallel system, as well
as complete autonomy of the
modules and a skillfully simple
implementation. The 9390
achieves optimum reliability
and flexibility with the following
design features:
• Unlike other paralleling tech-
niques, there is no system-
level single point of failure
• Hot Sync systems are capable
of paralleling for both redun-
dancy and capacity
• By using a peer configura-
tion as opposed to a master-
slave configuration, Hot Sync
ensures that each module is
operating independently
• No added circuitry or com-
ponents are required to be
switched in to operate in
• With thousands of successful
systems installed globally, Hot
Sync is a proven technology
• The output of multiple UPSs
remains in phase so that
static transfer switches con-
nected between the separate
distribution paths may change
state seamlessly when nec-
Each parallel unit operates with
its own battery string – if any
unit goes offline or is taken
down for maintenance, the
remaining units support the
load fully with their battery
capabilities. If any battery string
fails, the remaining strings con-
tinue to support the load – thus
eliminating a key potential single
point of system failure.