Introduction, Prerequisites, Things to know before you download – Emulex Firmware User Manual
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Firmware Update Manual
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For information about any firmware release, see the release notes on the Emulex Web site. Release
notes include information such as new features, compatibility, known issues and resolved known issues.
This manual does not contain the procedures themselves. It serves as a guide to the publication that
contains the procedures you need.
Local boot disk.
The intended Fibre Channel target should be big enough to hold all system files and the swap
slice of the current local boot disk.
Things to Know Before You Download
Before you download the OneConnect or LightPulse files, create a directory for them.
As a measure of protection, ensure that critical files on your local boot disk are backed up.
Firmware may be bundled with boot code. Boot code allows you to designate a device that is
attached to the adapter as a boot drive. If you select a firmware image that includes boot code,
the update procedure will load both the new firmware and the boot code at the same time. After
updating, refer to the Emulex Boot Manual for procedures on enabling the boot code on your
Emulex firmware files support both OneConnect and LightPulse adapters.
For OneConnect adapters:
Firmware and boot code are provided in a single flash image called a .UFI file.
The UFI file contains all of the files that support all OneConnect adapters. The latest
files for your adapter are installed automatically when you use an Emulex utility to
update the firmware.
The UFI file contains both firmware and boot code.
For LightPulse adapters:
Firmware is provided in a .ZIP file as a .ALL file or a .AWC file. You must manually unzip
the .ALL or .AWC file from the .ZIP file before you can use an Emulex utility to install it.
Firmware differs between adapter models. Make sure you download the appropriate
firmware for your adapter.
The .ZIP file may or may not include a boot code (.PRG) file.
Caution: If the update process is interrupted (such as by a power outage) and the
firmware is being updated, you may have to return the adapter to Emulex for