Excalibur electronic NF-05 User Manual

Page 7

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This is a great time to get snacks, refi ll drinks,
or study up on Super Bowl-winning QBs!


The 2nd Half begins with a kickoff . The team
that received the ball to start the game must
kick off to start the 2nd half. The Football
Game Piece should be placed at the 30-yard
line of the kicking team.


This is the fi nal quarter of regulation, so pay
attention to the score and plan your play ac-
cordingly. If you are ahead, you may choose
to control the ball by calling Run plays. If
you’re behind, you should take some risks and
call Long Passes and Big Plays. If you’ve saved
your GameBreakers, now is a good time to use


At the end of 4 quarters, the team with the
most points is declared the winner. If the
teams are tied, a sudden-death overtime
period must be played. The length of the over-
time period should be equal to the length of
the quarters you decided on at the beginning
of the game.

The fi rst team to score, wins. If neither team
is able to score by the end of the overtime pe-
riod, a second overtime period is played. This
is continued until one team is able to score
and win the game.


Teams should fl ip a coin at the beginning of
the fi rst overtime period. The Away team
should call ‘Heads’ or ‘Tails’ while the coin is
in the air. The team that wins the coin toss
may elect to kick off or receive. The overtime
period is played following the same rules as
the regulation game.

If a second overtime period is required, the
team that kicked to start the fi rst overtime
should receive the ball to start the second.
Continue alternating the overtime kickoff until
one team wins the game.

The off ensive team must try to work its way
down the fi eld by answering trivia questions
correctly. The off ensive team can choose be-
tween 4 play types, each of which correspond
it a level of diffi

culty. The off ense should

choose plays according to their level of NFL
expertise, as well as their position on the fi eld.


Running plays are the easiest questions, and
result in gains between 5 and 10 yards

Short Pass
Short pass plays are intermediate questions
and result in gains between 10 and 20 yards

Long Pass
Long pass plays are diffi

cult questions and

result in gains between 20 and 30 yards.

Big Play
Big plays are the most explosive plays in the
game, and result in gains between 30 and 60
yards. These questions are especially challeng-
ing, since there are no multiple-choice answers
to help you.


The play result is displayed on the trivia card
underneath the answer. As you will see, this
result may be aff ected by the Defensive play
call, but a correct answer will never result in
a loss of yards. Incorrect answers result in 0
yards gained and a loss of down.