Excalibur electronic NF-05 User Manual
Page 6

Time Outs are important in a Time-Limited
Game. When a Time Out is called, it should
stop the Game Clock and should reset the Play
Clock. For a standard game, each team should
be limited to 3 Time Outs per half.
The Defense should play its Defense Card
within 10 seconds from the end of the previ-
ous play. If the Defense fails to make its play,
it can be called for a Defensive Delay of Game
penalty. A Delay of Game penalty automatical-
ly stops the clock and the Off ense is awarded
5 yards.
The Off ense should answer the question
within the 30 seconds provided by the Play
Clock. If the Off ense fails to answer within 30
seconds, it is considered an Off ensive Delay of
Game, and results in a loss of down.
Following the correct procedure for asking and
answering questions is important. You’re the
coach—you don’t want to tip your hand. For
a normal off ensive play (not Special Teams),
follow the steps below:
• The Defensive Team Captain selects a Defense
Card and places it FACE DOWN on the Game
• The Off ensive Team Captain selects the play
for the off ense and announces it out loud.
• The Defensive Team Captain fl ips the Defen-
sive Card over to reveal the defense’s play.
• The Defensive Team Captain draws the top
card from the card deck and reads the appro-
priate question to the Off ensive team.*
• When the question is answered (correctly or
incorrectly), the card should be placed at the
bottom of the deck.
• Only the designated Off ensive Team Captain
can provide the fi nal answer.
* In the case of a GameBreaker (see page 9
for explanation), the Off ensive Team Captain
should draw a card from the top of the deck
and read the appropriate question to the
Defensive team.
Football games are divided into four quarters,
with a special break in the action at halftime.
You’re probably familiar with how football
works, but here’s how it works in NFL Game-
Breaker Trivia:
Play begins with the opening Coin Toss and
the ensuing Opening Kickoff .
Coin Toss
The game begins with an opening Coin Toss.
The Away Team Captain should calls ‘Heads’ or
‘Tails’ while the coin is in the air. The winner of
the Coin Toss may elect to kick or receive.
Opening Kickoff
The kicking team–as determined by the open-
ing Coin Toss–starts the game with a kickoff .
The Football Game Piece should be placed at
the 30-yard line of the kicking team. Rules for
the kickoff are outlined in the Special Teams
section of this manual on page 9.
The team that has the ball retains possession
and continues its drive. For authenticity, you
may choose to switch sides of the fi eld and
head for the opposite end zone, but this is
optional. Remember, the 2nd half will start
with a new kickoff , so toward the end of the
2nd quarter, the team with the ball should try
to get in position to score before halftime.