Solutions to common problems – Electrolux 297122800 (0608) User Manual

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Solutions To Common Problems




R e frigera to r doe s not run. * R efrig erator is plugg ed into a

circuit that has a grou nd fault
in terrupt.

* U se ano th er circuit. If you a re unsure abou t the

outlet, have it checke d by a certified technicia n.

* Tempe rature co ntrol is in the

"OFF" po sition.


se ction.

* R efrig erator may n ot b e plugge d

in , o r plug may be loose.

* Ensu re plug is tig htly pushed into ou tle t.

* H ou se fuse blow n or tripp ed

circuit bre aker.

* C he ck/rep la ce fuse w ith a 15 a m p tim e d elay fuse.

R eset circu it breaker.

* Po w er outage .

* C he ck house lights. C all local Ele ctric C omp any.

R e frigera to r ru ns too
much or too lon g.

* R oo m o r outside w ea ther is h ot.

* It's normal for the refrigerator to w o rk hard er un der

these co nditio ns.

* R efrig erator has recently b een

disconn ecte d fo r a period of time .

* It takes 24 hours for th e refrig erator to coo l do w n

co m pletely.

* Large amou nt o f w arm or hot

fo od have be en stored rece ntly.

* Wa rm food w ill cause refrig erator to run more until

the desired temp era tu re is reached.

* D oo r is ope ned too fre quen tly or

ke pt o pen too long .

* Wa rm air en te ring the refrigerator causes it to ru n

more . Open the d oor less o ften .

* R efrig erator door may b e slightly

open .

* See "D OOR PR OB LEM S".

* Tempe rature co ntrol is set to o

lo w .

* Turn co ntrol kn ob to a w arm er setting. Allow

se veral hours for th e te mperature to stabilize.

* R efrig erator gaske ts are dirty,

w orn, cracked o r poorly fitte d.

* C lean or change gasket. Lea ks in th e door sea l

w ill cau se refrigerator to ru n longer in orde r to
maintain desired te mpera ture.

Interior refrig erator
temperature is too co ld .

* Tempe rature co ntrol is set to o

lo w .

* Turn co ntrol kn ob to a w arm er setting. Allow

se veral hours for th e te mperature to stabilize.

Interior refrig erator
temperature is too w arm .

* Tempe rature co ntrol is set to o

w arm .

* Turn co ntrol kn ob to a co ld er settin g. Allow several

hours for th e te mperature to stabilize.

* D oo r is ope ned too fre quen tly or

ke pt o pen too long .

* Wa rm air en te ring the refrigerator causes it to ru n

more . Open the d oor less o ften .

* R efrig erator door may b e slightly

open .

* See "D OOR PR OB LEM S".

* Large amou nt o f w arm or hot

fo od have be en stored rece ntly.

* Wa it un til the refrigera to r has had a chan ce to

rea ch its selected temperature.

* R efrig erator has recently b een

disconn ecte d fo r a period of time .

* R efrig era to r req uires 24 ho urs to coo l do w n

co m pletely.

R e frigera to r externa l
su rface temperature is
w a rm .

* The extern al refrige rator w alls

ca n be as m uch a s 30 ºF w a rm er
th an ro om te mperature .

* This is norm al w hile the co m pre ssor w orks to

transfer h eat from insid e th e refrig era to r ca binet.

Lou der soun d le vels
w h enever refrigerator is

* Modern refrigera to rs h ave

in creased storag e cap acity and
more stable tempe ratures. Th ey
req uire hea vy duty comp resso rs.

* This is normal. When the surrou nding no ise level

is low , you might hea r the compre ssor running
w hile it coo ls the interior.

Lou der soun d le vels
w h en co mpre ssor comes

* R efrig erator operates at h ig her

pre ssure s du ring the start of th e
ON cycle.

* This is norm al. Sou nd w ill le vel off or disappe ar as

refrig era to r co ntinues to run.

Popping o r cracking
so und w hen compressor
co m es o n.

* Metal parts unde rgo e xpa nsion

and contra ction, as in hot w ater

* This is norm al. Sou nd w ill le vel off or disappe ar as

refrig era to r co ntinues to run.




Befo re calling fo r s ervice, re vie w this lis t. It m ay s a ve you tim e a nd expen s e. This lis t
include s com m on occu rrences that are n ot th e res u lt of defective w orkm an s hip or
m aterials in th is refrigerator.