3 ddns, Ddns – EverFocus HD-CCTV EPHD08 User Manual

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Sender Email: Input the e-mail address of the sender (the DVR). Sender’s e-mail address has to match the

user name and password above.

Receiver Email 1: Input the first e-mail address that event messages are sent to.
Receiver Email 2: Input the second e-mail address that event messages are sent to.
Receiver Email 3: Input the third e-mail address that event messages are sent to.
Email Subject: Input email subject.

4.7.3 DDNS

DDNS Server: Select either “EverfocusDDNS” or “” as the DDNS provider. If DDNS will
not be used, simply select “Disable”.


Figure 4-27 Network Menu – DDNS-EverfocusDDNS

DVR Name: Input the desired name for the DVR
Register/Update: Click the button to submit and register the name to the Everfocus server.
The DDNS name you choose must be unique; that is, it must not already be in use. Please go to the
website and check that the name you wish to use is available.

PLEASE NOTE: The name of the DVR cannot include a space, or a dot (period) or any special
particularly ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + < > " ; : . , _

In the DVR’s Network Menu above, go to DDNS. Choose “” for the Server and put in

your chosen name (verified available and without special characters) for DVR Name/hostname.