EverFocus EDR-920 User Manual
Page 84

The event types and number show on the second column of the search list.
An: an Alarm event, n = the alarm number.
Dn: HDD overheated, n = drive number.
Fn: Fan fail, n = 1~3 fan number.
LH: (Logical Head): beginning of recording (earliest
recorded date)
LUn: Local User login, n = 1~3; where 1 is
Administrator, 2 is Operator and 3 is General.
Mn: a Motion event. n = the channel number.
PH: (Physical Head): beginning of physical hard drive
PL: a Power Loss event.
RTn: a power ReTurn event in schedule recording mode,
n = TP1~8
RTN: a power ReTurn event in Normal/instant recording
RUn: Remote User login through Internet Explorer,
n = 1~6; user number.
Tn: begin schedule recording mode, n = TP 1~8
TN: begin Normal/instant recording mode.
Vn: a Video loss event, n = the channel number
DLB: Begin DayLight saving time.
DLE: End DayLight saving time.
S1: Switch to HDD1.
S2: Switch to HDD2.
The last two columns are the date and time of event.