Index, Byte – Epson QX-10 User Manual

Page 43

background image


Air circulation required for QX-10, 1

Application program, 19

Backup copies, 12-13

importance of making, 12

of system diskette, 12

system for making, 12-13

using to check disk, 35

Battery, 39

nickel-cadium, 22

Binary digit, see bit

Bit, definition, 18


cold, 10

definition, 10

on power up, 10

problems when, 36

using drive A for, 10

warm, 10

when changing programs, 10

Bugs, 36-37

checking for, 37

definition, 36

Button marked PUSH, 10, 15

Buzzer, 40


definition, 18

numerical value of, 18

Cartons, importance of saving, 2, 31

Central processing unit, problem

with, 40

Centronics-compatible port, see

parallel port


blinking, 21

increased light intensity of, 21

reverse, 21

Character mode of video screen, 21

Clock calendar, 22

CMOS RAM, 19, 22

Cold boot, definition, 10

Complementary metal oxide semi-

conductor, see CMOS

Connections, problems with, 37

checking for, 37

CP/M, 19

CPU, see central processing unit

CRT, see monitor, video

Data diskettes, 10

definition, 11

Data, possible ways to lose, 13

Dedicated keys, 19-20

DIAGNOSTIC CODE messages, 40

DIP switches, problems with, 38

Direct memory access controllers,


Disk drives,

opening, when disk is turning, 8

opening, when red drive light is

on, 8

red light on, 9


backup, 12-13, 35

caring for, 2, 11-14

compared to records, 11

data, 10, 11

inserting, 14-15

problems with, 35-36

removing, 15

specifications, 11

system, 10

Valdocs system, 10-11

write-protect tabs on, 11, 35

DMA, see direct memory access


Drive A, 35

booting from, 10

Dust, effect of, on diskettes, 2

Electrical appliances, magnetic

fields of, effect on

QX-10, 2

Environmental conditions required

for QX-10, 2

Epson service center, 40

External devices,

cable to connect, 26-27

installing, 25-27

ports for, 26

Graphics mode of video screen, 21

Hard disk, installing, 23

Hardware, problems with, 39-40


Hooking up the QX-10, 3-8

main unit, 3

monitor outlet, round, 3

power cord, 3

power switch, location of, 4

How to handle diskettes, 13

How to insert a diskette, 14-15

How to remove a diskette from

the drive, 15

How to turn the QX-10 off, 8

How to turn the QX-10 on, 8