Amprobe Telaris-ISO-PRO Insulation-Tester User Manual
Page 18

Resistance Measurement LOW-
The Amprobe ISO-PRO generates a test voltage at the connection socket LOW-
Ω (10). A
current-voltage measurement is used to determine the respective resistance. The
measurement is used to check protective earth conductors, ground conductors, or
equipotential bonding conductors for low-ohm continuity.
Prior to any resistance measurement, it must be ensured that the system parts to be tested
are not live. Failure to respect this prescription can lead to instrument damage.
• Prior to any resistance measurement it is possible to compensate the test leads, please refer
to section 6.2.1.
Set the measurement function selection dial (19) to measurement function
Connect the red test lead to the ”LOW-
Ω" socket and the black test lead to the
”COM" socket.
Connect the test leads to the UUT.
Press the ”Start" key (20) to start the measurement.
Read the measurement value displayed on the screen.
• The measurement value remains displayed until starting a new measurement procedure or
until selection of a different measurement range.
• Erroneous measurements results may be generated by impedance installed in parallel of
additional operation current circuits and by compensation currents.
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