Amprobe INSP-3 Wiring-Inspection-Tester User Manual
Page 13

Line 2: shows the polarity status
Line 3: The “SET LOAD” switch is set for a test
drawing 15 amps. At 15 amps of current draw, the
voltage at the outlet would drop by 4.2%. Since
4.2% is lower than the NEC recommendation of a
maximum of 5% drop, it would not be flashing.
Line 4: shows that 1.1% of the voltage drop is on
the hot conductor while 3.1% is on the neutral
Line 5: shows that the voltage at the outlet would
drop to 116.4 volts with a 15 amp load applied.
Line 6: shows that the resistance of the ground
conductor from the outlet to the point where it is
bonded to the neutral conductor is .27 ohms.
NOTE: The Set Load switch may be changed to
show what the drops and voltage would be at 10,
15, or 20 Amps any time after the first reading is
Secondary Screen
(Refer to Fig.3)
Line 1: shows the outlet to have a true rms voltage
of 121.5/60 Hz volts with no load applied by The
Line2: shows the polarity status
Line 3: shows the common mode (the voltage
difference between the ground and neutral
conductor) to be 0.79 volts with no load applied
by the Inspector-3.
Line 4: shows that if the hot and neutral
conductors were to be shorted at the outlet,