Magnetic Products Plain Flexible Magnets Strip User Manual
Plain flexible magnets strip

Magnetic Products, Inc.
683 Town Center Drive,
Highland, MI 48357
Tel: 248-887-5600
Email: [email protected] • Website:
Plain Flexible Magnets Strip
Flexible magnets are made by binding strontium ferrite magnet into a flexible thermo-plastic binder which is then calendared
into sheet or extruded into strip. Any color can be achieved by laminating the material. Color-faced sheet is laminated with a
PVC film on the non-magnetic face. The degree of flexibility depends on the cross section of the profile. All strips can be
coiled around a 100 mm diameter former without damage.
Results 1 - 3 of 3
Item #
List Price
.375 in
.141 in
32.8 ft
3.2 lb
.433 in
.181 in
32.8 ft
14 oz
.590 in
.251 in
32.8 ft
1.45 lb
Results 1 - 3 of 3
4/22/2014 | Page 1 of 1