Escient DVDM-100 User Manual

Page 86

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FireBall™ DVDM-100 User

’s Manual

iNstAlliNG thE EtP touch PANEl

The optional Escient Touch Panel is an external 15” flat LCD color display that offers full control of a FireBall via it’s integrated touch sensitive


follow these steps to connect the EtP-1500 to a fireball:

1. Place the fireball into standby.

2. connect the Rs-232 serial cable to coM PoRt 4 on the rear panel of your fireball.

3. connect the other end of the Rs-232 serial cable to the bottom of the EtP-1500.

4. connect one end of an s-video cable to one of fireball’s two s-video outputs.

5. connect the other end of the s-video cable to the s-video input on bottom the EtP-1500.

6. connect the EtP-1500 to an Ac power source.

7. Press the power button on the front panel of the EtP-1500. the lEd will turn amber.

8. Power on the fireball, the lEd on the touch panel will turn green.

The ETP-1500 will automatically be detected on COM PORT 4 and the user interface will display the touch panel buttons around the perimeter of the
