Networked audio using fireball music clients – Escient DVDM-100 User Manual
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FireBall™ DVDM-100 User
’s Manual
networKeD aUDIo USIng FIreBall MUSIc clIentS
A FireBall Server is a Fireball media management system that is capable of “serving” media to other FireBalls over a network. The FireBall is a
considered a “server” product.
A FireBall Client is a FireBall that can play media from a FireBall Server over a network. Currently there are three different FireBall products that
can play media from FireBall servers:
• FireBall MP-150
• FireBall DVDM-100
• Client-Server networking is limited to the same local subnet. You can not stream over the Internet unless you have a VPN setup between the
two FireBalls.
• Only MP3 and FLAC audio files can be streamed to clients. You can’t stream CDs from the internal drive or from external changers.
• Playlists that contain only MP3s/FLAC files will be available on the clients.
• Playlists that contain MP3s/FLAC files and non-streamable tracks will NOT appear on the clients.
• You may have an unlimited number of clients on the network, but you can only stream to 4 clients simultaneously.
• Movies can not be streamed.
• Internet Radio can not be streamed (but it is available on most standalone products).