Excalibur electronic Motorized Pool Lounger PR10 User Manual

Page 7

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Figure 36

Repeat the same steps on the

other side of your Motorized

Pool Lounger, as shown in

Figure 37.

Figure 37

After you’ve finished assem-

bly the Motorized Pool Lounger,

you can store the wrench on the

right cup holder, as shown in

Figure 38.

Figure 38

Testing the Motorized

Pool Lounger

After completing all of the

previous assembly steps,

press the button on the han-

dle to test the propeller, as

shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38

Using the Motorized

Pool Lounger

Your Motorized Pool

Lounger is perfect for your

backyard pool. Because it

contains two propellers on

either side, it enables you to

move in all directions.

Figure 39

To move, press the buttons

on both handles. These

buttons will operate your


To drive forward, turn both

handles so they are facing

forward and press the buttons.

To drive in reverse, turn

both handles so they are

facing backward and press

the buttons.

To turn right, turn either

handle to the right. The

angle of your turn will

depend on how much you

turn the handles to the right.

To turn left, turn either

handle to the left. The angle

of your turn will depend on

how much you turn the

handles to the left.

To move laterally towards

the right, turn both handles

right and press both buttons.

To move laterally towards

the left, turn both handles

left and press both buttons.

To turn in a circle, face one

propeller forward and the

other backward and press

the buttons.


To disassemble your

Motorized Pool Lounger,

please follow these instruc-


First, unscrew the six

hexagon screws from the

battery cover. Remove the

screws and the battery cover,

as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40