Features – Elation Professional 70 User Manual
Page 7

DESIGN Brick 70™
©Elation Professional, Los Angeles Ca.
Low power consumption
• Smooth Dimming Curve, 0%~100%
Minimal heat emission
Maintenance free operation
• 5 Color Additive Color Mixing System (Red, Green, Blue, White, Amber)
70 3-Watt LEDs (14 x red, 14 x green, 14 x blue, 14 x white, 14 x amber)
100,000 hours rated LED life
Seamless RGBWA color mixing
USITT DMX-512 Compliant
Preprogrammed colored macros
Strobe-effect with a maximum flash rate of 18fps
DMX-controlled operation or stand-alone operation with Master/Slave-function
8 built-in programs can be called up via DMX-controller
~ 48 preprogrammed scenes per a program
Sound-controlled via built-in microphone
Five DMX Control Modes:
35 DMX channels
11 DMX channels
8 DMX channels
5 DMX channels
4 DMX channels
DMX-control via standard DMX-controller
3-pin and 5-pin DMX connectors
Flicker-free operation for television and film
Compact design: fits in 12” box truss
• Brilliant light output