Installing from a cd, Downloading the software – Sybase MAC OS X User Manual

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CHAPTER 1 Installing Adaptive Server


Click localhost under the machines directory.

Choose Duplicate.

Click on localhost copy under values and change it to your machine’s

Apply the changes.


Test the update by executing:

ping ‘hostname -s’

Installing from a CD

If you are installing from a CD, insert the CD into the drive, and when it
becomes visible on your desktop, double-click the icon. A Finder window
appears, showing the contents of the CD. Double-click the Sybase_ASE_12502
package, and the installer begins. Follow the steps described in the next
sections to complete the installation process.

If you intend to install on a headless system, you must make this package
visible to that system. You can use the Finder to copy the package to a location
that is visible to the headless system (NFS-mounted file system), and then
review “Installation on Xserve” on page 10.

Downloading the software


The Sybase Web site is located




Select the Download Now button. You are asked to answer a few questions
and provide registration information. You will be downloading the
Devloper’s Edition, which is free, and only takes a few minutes. The
download file is an OS X disk image (.dmg), which allows it to be mounted
on your desktop as a new volume.

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