Instructional booklet – Eaton Electrical RTC-50 User Manual

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Instructional Booklet

Effective: June 2007

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Instruction Manual for the Eaton RTC-50

Automatic Transfer Switch Controller

A standard RTC-50 controller will:

Monitor Utility and Generator power source voltages

Provide undervoltage protection of the Utility and Generator

power sources

Permit easy customer set-up

Provide source status indications

Provide remote indication that generator maintenance needs to

be performed

1.4 Glossary

With respect to their use within this document and as they relate

to transfer switch and controller operation, the following terminol-

ogy is defined.


A source is defined as “available” when it is within its undervolt-

age setpoint range.


Connected is defined as when the input is shorted by an external

contact or connection.

Failed or Fails

A source is defined as “failed” when it is outside of the applicable

voltage ranges for the nominal voltage and for a time exceeding

0.5 seconds after the time delay emergency fail (TDEF) time

delays expires.


Failsafe is a feature that prevents disconnection from the only

available power source and also forces a transfer or re-transfer

operation to the only available power source.


Re-transfer is defined as a change of the load connection from the

Generator to the Utility.


Utility is the primary source (normal source, normal power source,

or normal).


Generator is the secondary source (emergency source, emergency

power source, emergency, standby, or backup source).

Utility: Failed or Fails

Utility is defined as “failed” when it is outside of its undervoltage

setpoint range.

Generator: Failed or Fails

Generator is defined as “failed” when it is outside of its undervolt-

age setpoint range for a time exceeding 0.5 seconds after the

TDEF time delay expires.


Transfer is defined as a change of the load connection from the

Utility to the Generator power source.


Unconnected is defined as when the input is not shorted by an

external contact or connection.

1.5 Functions/Features

The primary function of RTC-50 controller is to accurately monitor

the Utility and Generator power sources and provide the necessary

intelligence to operate the ATS in an appropriate and timely man-

ner. In addition, the RTC-50 controller provides status information

through on-board and remote indicators.

The following is a list of the features of the RTC-50 controller.


Time Delay Normal to Emergency (TDNE)

This feature provides a time delay when transferring from the

Utility to the Generator power source. Timing begins when

the Generator becomes available. It permits controlled trans-

fer of the load circuit to the Generator.

Jumper selectable at 20 or 50 seconds. Default is 20 sec-



Time Delay Emergency to Normal (TDEN)

This feature provides a time delay of the re-transfer operation

to permit stabilization of the Utility source. Timing begins

when the Utility becomes available. If the Generator fails

during timing, then re-transfer is delayed for up to 6 seconds

to allow the Generator to recover.

Fixed setting of 10 seconds


Generator Monitoring and Protection

This feature provides monitoring and protection based on the

Generator voltage setpoints. All feature 5 functions are fail-

safe operations.

5J. All Phase Undervoltage Protection

Dropout: 168 Vac (70% of 240 Vac nominal)

Pickup: 192 Vac (80% of 240 Vac nominal)


Time Delay Emergency Fail (TDEF)

This feature provides a time delay that prevents a connected

Generator source from being declared “failed” in order to

override momentary generator fluctuations. If the Generator

remains in the failed state then, after the TDEF timer expires,

the transfer switch will proceed with the programmed

sequence for re-transfer.

Fixed setting of 6 Seconds

12. Power Source Annunciation

This feature provides LEDs to indicate power source availabil-


12G. Utility - Available

This feature provides a green LED that, when lit, indicates

that the Utility is available.

12H. Generator - Available

This feature provides a red LED that, when lit, indicates that

the Generator is available.

15M. Load Shed

Two sets of contacts are available and can be used to control

large connected loads on the Generator (i.e. air conditioners,

hot tubs, etc.). The contacts are rated for 250 Vac, 5 amps.