Prevod originalne iz- jave o skladnosti ce – Florabest FGPS 1100 B2 User Manual

Page 51

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Translation of the

original EC declara-

tion of conformity

Prevod originalne iz-

jave o skladnosti CE

We hereby confirm that the

Garden pump set

model FGPS 1100 B2

Serial number

201411000001 - 201411032050

S tem potrjujemo, da

Komplet z vrtno črpalko

serije FGPS 1100 B2

Serijska številka

201411000001 - 201411032050

conforms with the following applicable re-

levant version of the EU guidelines:

ustreza veljavnim verzijam zadevnih smer-

nic Evropske unije.

2006/95/EC • 2004/108/EC • 2000/14/EC • 2011/65/EU*

In order to guarantee consistency, the follow-

ing harmonised standards as well as national

standards and stipulations have been applied:

Za zagotavljanje skladnosti so bile navede-

ne sledeče usklajene norme, kot tudi nacio-

nalne norme in določila:

EN 60335-1:2012 • EN 60335-2- 41:2003+A2:2010

EN 55014-1:2006/A2:2011 • EN 55014-2:1997/A2:2008

EN 61000-3-2:2006/A2:2009 • EN 61000-3-3:2008 • EN 62233:2008

We confirm the following in accordance

with the 2000/14/EC emissions guideline:

Sound power level:

guaranteed: 91 dB(A)

measured: 88,24 dB(A)

Compliance evaluation process carried

out in accordance with Appendix V /


Dodatno je potrjena skladnost smernice o

emisijah hrupa 2000/14/EC:

Nivo zvočne moči

garantiran: 91 dB(A)

izmerjen: 88,24 dB(A)

Naveden postopek ocenitve konformnosti

ustrezen dodatku V/ 2000/14/EC

This declaration of conformity (14)** is

issued under the sole responsibility of the


Za izdajo te izjave o skladnosti (14)** je

odgovoren izključno proizvajalec:

Grizzly Tools GmbH & Co. KG

Stockstädter Straße 20

D-63762 Großostheim



* The object of the declaration described above

satisfies the provisions of Directive 2011/65/EU

of the European Parliament and the Council of 8

June 2011 on limiting the use of certain harmful

substances in electrical and electronic appliances.

** The last two digits of the year in which the CE

marking was affixed.

* Zgoraj opisani predmet izjave izpolnjuje pre-

dpise direktive 2011/65/EU Evropskega parla-

menta in Sveta z dne 8. junija 2011 o omejevanju

uporabe določenih nevarnih snovi v električni in

elektronski opremi.

** Zadnji številki leta, v katerem je bila oznaka CE




Volker Lappas

Documentation Representative,

Pooblaščena oseba za dokumentacijo