Elation Professional Compu Live Laptop PC User Manual

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Compu Live

III Intermediate programming

5 - Activate the Color Red button on the page
6 - Disable SAVE (1st button of the toolbar)

If you look closely at your 2 color buttons (red and cyan), you will see a small 'S' flag inside. This means
that a group (or individual fixture) was assigned and saved into the button, which will not be disabled
even when the SAVE mode is no longer active.

If you wish to reset your preprogrammed buttons back to normal, you need to redo the SAVE
procedure (except this time you need to select ALL fixtures before you assign them to the button).
Using the SELECT mode (explained below) allows you to reset groups in your preprogrammed buttons,
also. Remember that, unless you change them, preprogrammed buttons work on all fixtures within the


The SELECT mode works in a very similar way as the SAVE mode, except backwards. In
SAVE, we first selected the group, then we selected in what button we wanted it assigned.

In SELECT mode, we first choose the button and then we assign a group to it. This tool is very useful
when you have a large number of fixtures and complicated groups, because you can see the groups
assigned to each button without the risk of losing them.

SELECT is also very useful during live performances if you want to change the group information inside
a button without activating that button.

0 - Turn the light beam ON (CENTER or any movement switch)
1 - Select the SELECT option (4th button) and unselect "Return to disable" (last button)
2 - Select the Color Cyan button pressing "SHIFT + click" (this method will select the button, but will not
activate it)
3 - We can see that the [Mo1 + Mo3] group is selected from the previous example
4 - Add the selection of the [Mo2 + Mo4] group
5 - Select the Color Red button using "SHIFT + click" (button selected but not activated)
6 - Add the selection of the [Mo1 + Mo3] group
7 - Disable the SELECT function (1st button of the toolbar)

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