Elation Professional Compu Live Laptop PC User Manual

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Compu Live

VI Appendix

2. Accessories

The following is a list of accessories that can be used along with our software and interfaces. It is not a
comprehensive list, but it should give you a good idea of where to start looking.

IO Ports and Power Supplies

Jameco (USA)
112547CH Multicolor Ribbon Cable
32491CH Socket Connector
252793CH Power Adapter


Search online for “8 key common” or “12 key common”. You can use any custom built switch, given that
you only need to make simple contact closures… even a paper clip could do the trick, if you wanted.

Relay boards

The IO ports can be closed manually using keypads and switches, or remotely using relays. The
advantage of using relays is that you can have any human interface with the Compu Live software
working in the background. Some of these relays can be activated via InfraRed remote controls, for

MIDI controllers

The Compu Live software can work with ANY MIDI device. Here is a list of the most popular:

- Evolution UC-33
- Behringer BCF2000

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