Overview of localization support, Chapter 7, Customizing localization for adaptive server – Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04 User Manual
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Configuration Guide
C H A P T E R 7
Customizing Localization for
Adaptive Server
This chapter provides information about Sybase localization support for
international installations, including configuring languages, character
sets, and sort order. For more information, see the System Administration
Overview of localization support
Localization is the process of setting up an application to run in a
particular language or country environment, including translated system
messages and correct formats for date, time, and currency. Adaptive
Server supports localization for international customers and for customers
with heterogeneous environments.
This support includes:
Data processing support – Adaptive Server comes with character set
and sort order definition files it uses to process the characters used in
different languages.
Sybase provides support for the major languages in:
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Middle East
Overview of localization support