For sun solaris and linux – Sybase DC35823-01-1500-04 User Manual

Page 38

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Starting servers when the operating system restarts


Adaptive Server Enterprise

sleep seconds_of_rest


To enable restart of a Backup Server when the operating system starts,

add a Backup Server start-up command to /etc/inittab. Use the path of the
Backup Server RUN_server_name file in this command.

For Sun Solaris and Linux

Before you set Adaptive Server or Backup Server to start automatically, make
sure that all network resources are available. Your server does not start if the
network is not running. Be sure that the entry for restarting the server follows
any commands in the rc directory for starting network operations. Slow start-
up of network operations may prevent servers from starting, even if commands
are in the correct order in the rc directory. You may want to designate a period
of time for your server to wait before starting by inserting a


command at

the beginning of the linked RUN_server_name file you created.

To configure your operating system for automatic restart of Adaptive Server
and Backup Server:


Create a start-up script file with contents like the following:




where $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/startserver is the full path name
of the


utility, and

$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_servername is the full path name
of the RUN_server_name file for the server.


Copy the script to the /etc/init.d directory, using syntax like the following:

cp script_name /etc/init.d/script_name


Review the contents of the /etc/inittab file to determine the default run
level for your operating system. The


entry specifies the default

run level, which is usually 2 or 3 for Sun Solaris and 5 for Linux


Use the


command to create a hard link from the RUN_server_name file

to the appropriate run control (rc) directory, rc#, where # is the default run
level obtained in step 2.

Use syntax like the following for Sun Solaris: