Performing a silent installation – EMC CLARiiON User Manual
Page 86

EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Windows Installation Guide
Silent Installations and Removals
Performing a silent installation
1. On another attached Windows server (not the same server on
which you created the response file), enter one of the commands
below to install the CLI.
Setup.exe -s -f1
fullpath\responsefilename -f2fullpath\logfilename
Indicates a silent installation. A silent installation requires no
input after you enter the command.
Specifies the full pathname of the CLI response file you
created in step 1 on page A-27.
Specifies the full pathname and filename of the log file. We
recommend that you create the log file on a local directory so
you do not override a log file from another server’s
2. Verify that the installation was successful (see Verifying the silent
installation or removal on page A-32) before running the command
on all remaining attached Windows servers.