Location, Using two subwoofers – EarthQuake MiniMe-P12 User Manual
Page 9

P= Passive Radiator A= Active Driver
Fact: Subwoofers reproduce frequencies with
#1 is very good positioning.
wavelengths that are long in relation to the dimensions
of most living rooms. Standing waves will boost or
#2 is also excellent but may shake the back wall too
cancel various frequencies due to the interaction with
much and cause things on or along the walls to rattle too
the room boundaries. Moving a subwoofer in a room will
much. If this occurs, use the #3 position.
change what you hear in the listening position a lot.
#3 Move the woofer approximately three feet away from
For maximum bass reinforcement, the MiniMe
the right wall and place it along the back wall as shown.
subwoofer system should be placed in the corner of your
This will substantially reduce the rattling of the back wall
living room, with the subwoofers facing the wall. This
and will still pressurize the room with lots of bass.
creates acoustical coupling with the walls, which in turn
leads to a 9 decibels of boost in the overall response of
Although low frequencies are non directional, factors
the MiniMe. Keep a 3" clearance between the
such as room reflections, standing waves, resonance,
subwoofer and the walls.
and absorption strongly affect your subwoofer's
Fine tuning the MiniMe requires adjustments to
the crossover point, volume control and the phase
Also position the control panel so that it is not touching
switch. These controls are located on the side of the
anything and can receive good ventilation.
enclosure. For ease of tuning we recommend that you
turn the MiniMe around to expose the controls, and
place it in position (corner). Set your stereo system to a
Using Two Subwoofers
moderate listening level and adjust the MiniMe
If you choose the use two woofers, the sound output will
accordingly. The MiniMe is equipped with a 24 dB / Oct.
double (an increase of ~5dB). Locate the woofers with
Low pass filter designed to eliminate vocals from
one in each corner and experiment with the location and
entering the system. When tweaking, gradually reduce
phase control to achieve the best bass response.
the crossover point setting to eliminate vocals from
seeping into the amplifier.
Always drive each woofer through the Left/Mon input
even though you are driving one woofer on a right
Your Earthquake MiniMe is designed to be placed in a
channel drive and the other with a left channel drive. If
corner and this will produce optimum performance.
your pre-amplifier has a single dub/LFE output, use a 'Y'
Experiment with at least two corners then decide which
cable to split it into two outputs.
is the best.
Remember to keep it at least two or
three feet away from any TV screen,
computer, VCR or magnetic tapes and
discs. This will reduce the chance of
the magnetic field upsetting the TV
screen or erasing your magnetic media.
Earthquake • MiniMe User Manual