Linkskey LKV-T02 User Manual

Lkv-t02, Quick installation guide

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Quick Installation Guide

Applicable model: LKV-T02


2-port Super Mini Desktop KVM Switch

w/ 2 x built-in 1.5M KVM Cables

Quick Installation Guide

Thank you for purchasing the LKV-T02 Super Mini
Desktop KVM Switch
! With our highly reliable and quality
product, user can enjoy countless benefits from using it.


The LKV-T02 Super Mini Desktop KVM Switch is a 2-
port PS/2 type KVM Switch that comes with two sets of
built-in 1.5M cables to save you cabling troubles. It enables
the users to access, control, boot and reboot two
computers using only one keyboard, video and mouse.









accessories offers more portability and convenience to
KVM Switch users who want to save cabling troubles.

Though compact and integrated in one-piece design, you
can nevertheless expect every function of a decent KVM
Switch from LKV-T02. It is your best desktop partner for
KVM switching in the office or at home.

do not have to make any configuration before installation.
It’s a Plug-and-Play device: Just connect keyboard, monitor
and mouse to the KVM Switch, and then connect the KVM
cables to connectors on your computers, and then boot up
the computer one at a time and you can start to switch
between the two computers.

For a quick start on installation and operation, please follow
the instructions below.

The correct setup sequence is … …

(1) Connect the sh ared keyboa rd, m onitor and m ouse to

the KVM Switch first, and then connect each set of

built-in cable to a com puter.

(2) Power up your one connected com puter at a tim e
Since the KVM Switch receives power from the com puter’s PS/2
interface, it is powered up when you connect the K VM cables to a


Out-of-the-box Installation

Take the Super M ini Desktop KVM Switch out of the box
and begin installation….

Before connecting any cable to your K V M Switch, please m ake

sure all of your com p uters an d their peripherals have been
powered off. O therw ise, the K V M Switch m ight not be set up


1. Make sure all the computers that are to be








peripherals are in powered-off state. If not, power
them off before you proceed with the following

Step 2. Connect the shared keyboard, monitor and mouse

each to its ports on your KVM switch.

Step 3. Connect each set of the built-in KVM cable to a

computer’s keyboard, video and mouse ports.
You can use individual standard keyboard, mouse
and video cables to extend the cable distance, but
depends on the type of the cables you use, the
maximum cable distance is limited to 5 ~ 7 meters
(15.5 ~ 23 feet).

DO N O T TR Y to connect the built-in KVM cables to the

com p uters while the com p uters are still in powered-on states.

O therw ise, the com puter will have difficulty recognizing your
shared keyboard and m ouse.

Easy Operation

To select a specific computer, you can use hotkey

Keyboard Hotkeys

A keyboard hotkey sequence consists of three specific

See Quick Reference Sheet

H otkey sequence = ScrL k + ScrL k + C o m m an d

The tw o consecutive ScrLk keystrokes should be pressed

within 2 seconds and the followin g com m and key(s) should also be

pressed within 2 seconds in likewise m anner. O therwise, the

hotkey sequence will not be validated.

For detailed H otkey sequences and their corresponding

functions, please refer to the Q uick reference sheet.

System Requirements




No extra cables required

Before you install

The default setting of the LKV-T02 Super Mini Desktop
KVM Switch
is appropriate for most systems. In fact, you

Step 4. Power up the connected computers one at a time.

After all your computers are powered up, the
keyboard and mouse will be recognized and now
you can begin operating the KVM switch.

PC Side


(using the built-in 1.5M KVM Combo Cable)

1 x PS/2 Keyboard

1 x PS/2 Mouse

1 x Monitor


Copyright© All rights reserved. Nov 12, 2003