Linkskey LDE-050 User Manual

Ld e -050, Dvi repeater, Quick installation guide

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Q uick R eference S heet

Applicable M odels: LDE -050 D VI R e pe ater

LD E -050

DVI Repeater

Quick Installation Guide

Thank you for purchasing the LDE-050 DVI Repeater! With
our highly reliable and quality product, user can enjoy
countless benefits from using it.

LDE -05 0 D VI Rep eater


The LD E -050 D V I R epe ater is a device that can help stabilize and
enhance the digital video signals carried over the DVI cable for longer




technolog y




transmission to eliminate the distortion due to digital/analog conversion
seen in the conventional HDB interface. H owever, digital signals can
also suffer from degradation and attenuation due to cabling distance
factors. This DVI Repeater is the solution to extend your DVI cabling
for longer distance yet retains best digital video quality. This DVI signal
enhancement device offers a purely digital D V I-D S ingle Link signal
support to offer genuine digital video quality for your Flat Panel
Displays over longer cable extension over 15 meters*. Using this DVI
Repeate r, you can enjoy digitally clean and clear images over longer

The DVI Repeater DO ES NO T support analog video from an

analog VG A display card.

The effective cabling distance from com puter to the DVI Repeater

is at least 15 m eters (50 ft); and 5 m eters (17 ft.) from the DVI repeater

to the m onitor/ Flat Panel Display.

Out-of-the-box Installation

Take the DVI Repeater out of the box and begin

Before you install the DVI repeater, it is better that you power off

your system . An d only power on again after you have com p leted its

S tep 1. First, connect the external pow er adapter (D C 9V 1A) to the

DVI Repeater.

W hile attaching the external pow er adapter to D VI Repeater, you

m ight feel som e heat com ing up to its m etal casing. This is norm al

condition, since the m etal casin g can help dissipate heat generated
from its internal circuitry.

S tep 2. Use a DVI video cable to connect the DVI port of your

com puter to the D V I Input port of the Repeater.

Norm ally the D VI Repeater should use an external pow er adapter

(DV 9V 1A) for stable power supply. O n the other hand, the DVI

Repeater is also self-powered by electricity com ing through the
com p uter’s DV I interface itself. If the DVI video cable is within 5
m eters, it can be sufficiently self-powered and can even go without a

power adapter. A nd, if the DVI video cable exceeds 5 m eters, external
power source is m andatory.

S tep 3. Then C onnect the DVI video cable of your DVI monitor/Flat

Panel Display to the D V I O u tp ut port of your Repeater.

S tep 4. If your computer has not been pow ered on, you should then

pow er on your com puter.

S tep 5. C heck the display of your DVI M onitor/Flat P anel Display. You

should have a digital display quality that stays as crisp and
clear as it originally is … .


No screen shown on the DVI Display while connected to the DVI


Please go through the following troubleshooting steps to verify the cause of

the problem:

1. Check Power LED to see if it is lit. If the Power LED is not lit, it means

your DVI Repeater is not powered on at all. If that is the case, check

whether you have connected the external power adapter properly to it, or

whether there’s any failure from the power source.

2. Check whether you have connected the DVI Repeater correctly.

The correct connection to be made is to connect the DVI Input port to your

computer, using a good quality DVI video cable, and to connect the DVI

Output port to the DVI Monitor’s own video cable. If you connected it in the

wrong way, try to reconnect it correctly.

3. Check whether the video signal source output from the DVI

port of your computer is OK. You can check it by connecting it directly

to your monitor to see if the monitor can display properly. If your monitor

cannot display properly even when directly connected to the computer, it

means the video output is not valid on the computer. If that is the case, try

to reboot the computer still connected with the monitor and see if the video
source output resumes. If not, then your video source output is the cause.

4. If you have checked through 1, 2 and 3 and found no problem with

power or connection, then you should try to disconnect all cables from

your DVI Repeater. Wait for a few seconds and first connect the

external power adapter to it, then connect the computer and Monitor to

the DVI Repeater. The reason for doing so is to reset the DVI Repeater

system itself. The DVI Repeater might not be properly powered on if you

connect it to the computer before connecting it to the external power

adapter, especially when using a long cable (which will diminish power

coming from computer and making the DVI Repeater non-functional). If

that is the case, a system reset on the DVI Repeater is therefore required.

If you have tried all these steps and still the cause of problem remains

unclear, try to contact your local dealer for technical support.

The DVI video screen is dispersed with dusty speckles

The dusty speckles on the monitor might be caused by a DVI Repeater

system not properly powered on. For troubleshooting, you should

perform a repeater system reset : (1) try to disconnect all cables from

your DVI Repeater. (2) Wait for a few seconds and first connect the external

power adapter to it, (3) then connect the computer and Monitor to the DVI

Repeater. The reason for doing so is to reset the DVI Repeater system itself.

The DVI Repeater might not be properly powered on if you do not first

connect it to the external power adapter, especially when using a long cable

video cable.

Before you install

The LD E -050 D V I R ep eater provides tw o DVI-I connectors for video
input/out specifically, and is com patible to purely digital DVI-D Single
video signal type. It is capable of enhancing the DVI signal w ell
over 15 m eters and the biggest resolution support is up to 1600 x 1200

Before you install the DVI Repeater, please note the
following functional limits of this produ ct so that you can
maximize its performance w ith reasonab le usag e…..

Norm ally, the display quality that

com es through the DVI Repeater

should be as good as its original.
H owever, excessive electrom agnetic

m ight



negative effects on its display quality.

DO N O T TR Y to power on the

com puter without connecting it to the

DVI m onitor/Flat Panel Display. Since
your com p uter system m ight need to
detect the m onitor type inform ation
once during power on, lack of D V I

m onitor m ight cause no display when
you connect the m onitor later on.





1 5 M

5 M

(which, if with no external power source, will diminish power coming from

computer and making the DVI Repeater non-functional). If that is the case,

a system reset on the DVI Repeater is therefore required. Also if you are

using long cable or the cable quality is not good, it is more likely that you’ll

see speckles on the screen.

The video screen is OK with short cable (within 5 meters) but no

screen with longer cable (within 5 ~ 15 meters)

First, you should try to perform a repeater system reset (see previous point)

to see if it is due to improper connection sequence. After a repeater system

reset, if you still see no screen, then it might be due to poor quality of your

longer DVI video cable. Then replace the longer video cable with a good

quality one, such as the CAB-2035 we provide.

* T h e e ffe ctiv e c a b lin g d istan ce w ill v ary a cco rd in g to th e q u ality o f th e D V I v id eo ca b le y o u u se. N o rm ally , th is D V I rep e ate r can e ffe ctiv ely su p p o rt a t least 1 5 m ete rs o f c ab lin g d ista n c e b etw e en c o m p u te r an d th e rep ea te r w ith g o o d q u ality cab le.
H o w ev e r, if y o u fin d th e cab le y o u u se can n o t w e ll su stain 1 5 m e te rs o f cab lin g d istan ce , y o u m ig h t co n sid e r u sin g th e cab le w e re c o m m en d : C A B -2 0 3 5 , w h ich h as v a rio u s len g th s fo r y o u r ch o ice .

Rev. 1.4

Copyright© All rights reserved. April 2004

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