1 signoflife tests – Lanner AV-ICE01 User Manual
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Software User Manual Version 1.0.1
Wireless Firmware enabled. Can be 0 (default) or
1.This parameter can only be used with the version
2 configuration file when wireless instances are
configured.For configuration file details, see the
Intel® Communications Chipset 89xx Series
Software Programmer’s Guide.
4.2.1 signOfLife
The signOfLife
parameter is used to specify that a subset of the sample tests are
executed with smaller iteration counts. This provides a quick test to verify the
acceleration software and hardware are set up correctly.
Note: If the signOfLife parameter is not specified, the full run of tests can take
several hours to complete..
Kernel Space
After building the sample code, the kernel space kernel driver, the user space
application, and the memory mapping driver are located at:
To execute the sign of life test in Kernel space, use the following commands:
# export ICP_ROOT=/CRF_Release
# cd $ICP_ROOT/quickassist/lookaside/access_layer/src/sample_code/build
# insmod ./cpa_sample_code.ko signOfLife=1