Preparing the mvi for use – Ion Science MVI User Manual
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Ion Science Ltd
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Unrivalled Detection.
Preparing the MVI for use
It is recommended that you zero your instrument in a known ‘clean environment’ using fresh air.
Turn the instrument ON and ensure the LO BAT indication does not appear.
• If LO BAT does appear then charge the unit for 16 hours before proceeding to next step (refer to
Battery Charging Section of this manual for further information).
Allow the instrument to run until you see a stable reading
• This should happen after 3 – 4 minutes when operating in the 0 – 2000 range
• Allow 10 minutes before operating in the 0 – 200 range
As soon as the reading is stable you can zero the instrument
• rotate the ‘zero adjust control knob’ until ‘000’ shows on the LCD screen
Fit the PTFE probe and filter
If you suspect you are in an area contaminated with mercury, you MUST connect the charcoal filter to the
inlet of the MVI before adjusting the zero control knob.
Due to the nature of the carbon filter case and the materials used, it can give odours which will show as a
small negative reading on the MVI when removed.