Yaskawa Sigma FSP User Manual

Page 4

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Subject: Technical Note

Product: Sigma FSP

Doc#: TN.MCD.06.059

Title: Sigma FSP – How to Demo

January 8, 2007

Page 4 of 6

Power-Up Sequence

The following describes the power-up sequence of the Sigma FSP demo program.

1. Verify that the motor and encoder cables are connected to the Sigma FSP

2. Verify that the power cable is plugged into the demo unit and the wall outlet

3. Verify that the main power and control power switches are turned off (down)

4. Turn on the demo power switch adjacent to where the power cables plugs into the demo unit

5. Turn on the main power and control power to the Sigma FSP

6. The Sigma FSP will power-up

7. After 2.5 sec, the servo motor will enable

8. Once enabled, the Sigma FSP will home the motor to the C-channel, followed by an offset move

To adjust the home offset location so the label points to top-dead-center after homing, open the

FlexWorks program and adjust Var_02 in line 4 of the program as needed. The program must be

downloaded after each change to the program.

9. Once homing is completed, the Sigma FSP will begin looping through the main program to call the

subroutines according to the status of the digital input switches.