Yaskawa Remote Display Unit RDU for use with MicroTrac DSD LAN User Manual

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An input is provided via a terminal

which will enable the scanning of the

keypad. This makes provision for a "Key-

board Enable" switch. If a keypad is

present and to be enabled, then install a

jumper between the KEYBOARD ENABLE

input (TB1 pin 1) and COMMON (TB1 pin



Two inputs are provided via

terminals which are scanned by the RDU.

The inputs are of sink type, which means

the inputs will be reported as "on" when

their inputs are grounded (tied to digital

common) and "off" when their inputs are left

floating. Push button 1 and 2 are

connected to TB1 pins 10 and 11,





The keypad and push buttons are

scanned and debounced by the RDU.

When a keypad key or push button is

depressed, the RDU senses this and

transmits this information to the RDC.

There is an auto-repeat function on the

keypad and push button presses. A

keypress or push button press will auto-

repeat at a rate of 6 presses/second if the

key or push button is pressed for more than

0.5 second.

The KEYBOARD ENABLE input must

be present in order for the RDU to scan the

keypad and report any keypress informa-

tion to the RDC. However, certain keys

may never be disabled; for example, the

NEXT key (Row 3, Column 3) and the

NAME key (Row 1, Column 4). Further-

more, neither of the push buttons may be

disabled by the KEYBOARD ENABLE input.


The valid range of RDU settable

channel numbers is 1 through 31. The

channel number is the RDU’s unique

identification which is used by the RDC to

state which RDU it desires to communicate

with, by the PAC programmer when

referring to a particular RDU, and in

various other instances. The channel

settings are constantly read by the RDU and

any change in switch settings will

immediately affect the RDU’s channel


When channel number 0 is selected,

the RDU will perform self-diagnostics.

Therefore, channel number 0 may not be

used by the PAC programmer when

referring to an RDU.


An RDU set for channel 0 will

perform self-diagnostics. The self-

diagnostics exercises the hardware in the

RDU. The self-diagnostics must only be

performed when the RDU is not connected

to an RDC, for a stand-alone operational


First, it has a loop back test for

checking the serial port and the differential

bus transceiver, U8. If the test fails, then

“Comm. failed” will display in the RDU’s

alphanumeric display, and the loop back

test will start again. If the serial port

passes the test, then it exercises the

numeric and alphanumeric displays. While

any key is pressed, the alphanumeric

exercise will be suspended and the XY

coordinate of the keypress will appear on


RD 791-10