Yaskawa Remote Display Controller LAN Node PCB for use with Microtrac DSD LAN User Manual

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specific RDUs. The default menu items

and the order of the menu items are

determined by the PAC programmer.

Local RDU When referring to a keyboard,

the local RDU is the RDU that the

keyboard is connected to.

Locked RDU An RDU whose display may

not be modified by a keyboard or push

button connected to another RDU.

Menu A list of menu items for an RDU,

for which any one may be selected to be

displayed on that RDU. See Table 1 for

the maximum number of items.

Menu item A source definition of where

the information to be displayed, when

selected, is to come from. The source

definition includes the Drive Node

number, the Channel number, and the

Subchannel number. The decimal point

location is also defined.

Message The data that is displayed on

both displays of the RDU. The source

of the message is defined in the RDC by

a menu item number, Drive number,

Channel number, Subchannel number,

decimal position, a flag stating what type

of message it is (whether the message is

modifiable or not), and - if it is modifi-

able - the minimum and maximum

allowable limits of an entered value.

PCDU Portable Control/Display Unit. A

device which can plug into an RDC, via a

cable with a modular connector (similar

to a telephone cord), that has two 16

character alphanumeric displays and a


RDC Remote Display Controller [LAN

Node PCB]. The device that includes the

ARCNET LAN Node circuitry and the

software to control what is displayed on

each RDU. This device also

communicates with the drives over the


RDU Remote Display Unit. The device

that has a 16 character alphanumeric

display and a 5-1/2 digit plus sign

numeric display.

Selected menu item The menu item

number in the RDU's menu that is being


Unlocked RDU An RDU whose display

may be modified by a keypad or push

button connected to another RDU. This

is the default RDU lock state.


Each RDU in a system may be

configured in any of the following ways:

1. RDU alone.

2. RDU and 1 push button. The push

button allows the operator to view the

drive name, where the data is coming

from, and the units of the data in the

alphanumeric display of the RDU. All

of the unlocked RDUs connected to the

same RDC will also show their drive

name and units when the push button

is pressed. This push button has the

same funcion as the NAME key of the


3. RDU and 2 push buttons. The first

push button allows the operator to

view the drive name and units, as

described in B, above. The second

push button allows the operator to

select the next menu item, in the active

menu, to display. This push button

has the same function as the NEXT key

of the keypad.

4. RDU and keypad. The keypad

allows the operator the ability to do the

same functions as with 2 push

buttons, and allows many more

functions. These extra functions

include showing a message that is not

in the RDU’s menu, setting a numeric

variable, and the ability to control a

different RDU, that is connected to the

same RDC, as if that RDU were directly

connected to the keypad.


RD 790-20