Grass Valley K2 Dyno 6X SSM User Manual
Quickstart – k2 dyno 6x ssm, For k2 summit for k2 dyno

QuickStart – K2 Dyno 6X SSM
1. Press the Power button on the front of the K2 Summit if the unit is not powered up.
2. Power up the computer monitor connected to the K2 Summit.
3. Log on to the K2 Summit with the default Windows administrator account:
a. Username: Administrator
b. Password: adminGV! (The password is case sensitive)
4. Launch AppCenter, you may be asked to re-enter the same username and password
as above.
1. When starting the K2 Dyno S Replay Controller it will not require a login and will boot to the K2
Dyno UI screen. The Server List screen will be displayed on the K2 Dyno S Controller touchscreen.
2. Select the desired Server on the list, or touch Add Server and type the name of the Server.
5. Verify Channel configuration is correct: (pull down menu)
a. Verify Channel 1 record Input format and frame rate.
b. Verify Channel 2 record Input format and frame rate.
c. Verify Channel 3 Output format.
d. Verify Channel 4 Output format.
6. Click OK, close Menu.
If no configuration changes need to be made, App-
Center is not required to launch in order to use Dyno.
For K2 Summit
For K2 Dyno
3. Select Connect or Reconnect.
4. Select New Session.
a. Name the session (ONLY use numbers, letters, and acceptable symbols.)
b. Touch the Name button and enter a name for this session.
5. Set Loop Record:
For 6X SSM systems, average loop length of 3.5 hours, for two 6X inputs, offers 4 hours of clip
archive storage.
a. Touch Loop Duration window.
b. Enter Loop Duration.
6. Set Loop Record On. This ensures the Server will not become completely filled. Older unmarked
video and audio material will be overwritten with new material.
7. Set up the channels for the session:
a. Enable the channels for Record
and Player.
b. Press START
8. When prompted on the Home screen,
press LIVE to start recording.
Note: When using 6X SSM camera systems, verify that 3G signal cables are used between the XCU
outputs and K2 Summit server inputs.