Edimax Technology Network Router User Manual

Page 6

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802.11 - applies t o wireless LANs (Net wor ks) and
provides 1 or 2 Mbps transmission in the 2.4 GHz band
using eit her fr equenc y hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)
or direct s equenc e spr ead spectrum (DSSS).

802.11b (also ref erred to as 802.11 High R ate or Wi-Fi)
- an extension to 802.11 t hat applies t o wireless LANs
and provides 11 Mbps transmission ( with a f allbac k t o
5.5, 2 and 1 M bps) in the 2. 4 GHz band. 802. 11b us es
onl y DSSS. 802.11b was a 1999 r atification t o t he
original 802.11 standard, allowing wireless functionalit y
comparable t o Et hernet.

802.11g - applies t o wireless LANs and provides 54
Mbps in t he 2. 4 GHz band. Bac kwards compatibl e with
IEEE 802.11b products .

Hi-Gain Wi-Fi Antenna

High powered antenna to increas e t he distance of your Wi-Fi

SMA Connector – The st andard ant enna c onnect or for Wi-Fi
devices. This is t he most popular connector and comes standard
with all Edi max Technologies equipment.

TNC Connector – A t ype of ant enna c onnec tor us ed by f ew
wireless net wor king equi pment manufac turers.

dBi (decibel) - A unit of meas urement us ed to det ermine t he gai n
level of wireless antennas.

mW (MilliW att) - A unit of meas urement us ed to determi ne t he
power level of wireless devices.