Xt-net – X-Treme Audio XT-NET User Manual

Page 8

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4.1 Layout

When Network Controller is launched, its main window comprises
three main areas:
1. A Tree panel on the left for navigating among devices and panel;
2. A toolbar at the top with the most commonly used actions available

at a single mouse click;

3. A control panel area (the remainder of the window) for device Moni-

cons and control panels.

The user may adjust the size of the application window by dragging
the angle at the bottom-right of the main application window. The
Tree panel may be sized by dragging the split-line between the tree
and the main control panel area.

4.2 Menu

The menu system is arranged as follows:

- opens a file which contains parameters for the selected device
Save - saves the current settings for the selected device in the cur-
rent file name
Save As - saves the current settings for the selected device under a
new file name
Load Factory Settings - updates factory settings in the selected
device (see Loading Factory Settings)
Open Device Clone - opens a file to clone the selected device
Save Device Clone - saves the settings of the selected device into
a cloning file (see Cloning a Device)
Exit - closes the application.

Show Bandwidth As
- allows you to set the units used in Bandwidth
Show Delay As - allows you to set the units used in Delay controls
(see Controls).

Go Online
- allows communication with devices on the network
Go Offline - stops communication with devices on the network
Com Port - allows you to select which serial COM port you wish to
Launch Panels - launches the control panels for all the devices in
the network.

- to locate the selected device (e.g. led flashing)
Update Firmware - update firmware in the selected device (See De-
vice Firmware)
Add Device Panel - allows a panel for a device to be added to the
layout while offline
Properties - lists device details which may be of interest for mainte-
nance (see The Selected Device).

Tile Horizontally
- arranges all the panels from left to right
Tile Vertically - arranges all the panels from top to bottom
Cascade - arranges all the panels in a heap from top-left to bottom-

Help topics
. opens the help file (in your HTML viewer)
Some of these menu items have shortcuts using toolbar buttons (see

4.3 Toolbar

The toolbar provides the following oneclick functions:
Opens a file which contains parameters for the selected device. A
dialogue will appear, inviting you to choose a file to open.

Saves the current settings for the selected device. If you have previ-
ously opened or saved a file, the settings will be saved in the same
file name, otherwise, a dialogue will appear inviting you to enter a
file name. If the settings have not changed since you last saved or
opened a file, the icon will appear greyed out, indicating that a save
is not necessary.

Goes online/offline to/from the network. If a device cannot be found,
an error will be reported. While Network Controller remains online, this
toolbar button is coloured green; it is red when offline.

Flashes the indicators on the selected device (if online), to assist de-
vice identification, and as a quick check that communications are
working. This only works when online.

Mute All
Mutes (or Un-Mutes) every device in the system. When the speaker
in the button is red, the system is muted. A green speaker means
un-muted. This has nothing to do with channel mutes, which operate
completely independently. This state is not saved in devices; a power
cycle will cause a device to default to unmuted.

Launch All Panels
Launches the control panels for all of the devices on the network. This
only works when online.

Launches Help topics. If you place the mouse cursor over a toolbar,
text fill appears describing the action of the button. If this text does
not show, click on the panel background (see The Selected Device).
