User’s guide – X-Treme Audio XT-NET User Manual
Page 13

Once you have selected the menu item, you will be guided to select
a Device Factory (
.dfa) file to load. If you have a control panel for the
device in view, this will automatically be dismissed for a time while
loading takes place. The progress bar at the bottom-right of the ap-
plication indicates when the process has finished, after which your
control panel will reappear if you had launched one.
There are several different categories of settings within a device
which are manipulated by the various file types. The standard Device
Settings File (
.dse) will only manipulate those parameters which are
under the control of the user. More of the settings may be changed
by loading Factory Settings (see Loading Factory Settings). However,
to create a completely duplicate device whose settings will be identi-
cal in every way, the Cloning facility may be used. To do this, select
the device which you wish to clone from (see The Selected Device),
then use File>Save Device Clone. Once you have selected the menu
item, you will be guided to choose a Device Clone (
.dcl) file name
to save. If you have a control panel for the device in view, this will
automatically be dismissed for a time while saving takes place. The
progress bar at the bottom-right of the application indicates when
the process has finished, after which your control panel will reappear
if you had launched one. Now select the device you wish to clone
to, then use File>Open Device Clone. A similar process to that de-
scribed above will allow you to chose the .dcl file to open. Once the
process is complete, the two devices will be identical. Clearly for this
to make sense, the two devices should be of the same type.
Some devices have presets, which are controlled via the Preset dia-
logue on the control panel for the device. To recall a preset, click the
arrow in the Recall drop-down menu, scroll to the required preset,
then click on the preset name. To store a preset, click the store but-
ton then complete the details in the Store dialogue. To delete a pre-
set, click the Arrange button, then select a preset to delete and click
Delete. These actions will take place within the control panel in Net-
work Controller, and within the device if you are OnLine to a device.
For more specific information, please see the individual device help
which may be launched by clicking on the ? tool button on the con-
trol panel for the device.
By selecting Device>Properties from the menu (see Menus), or by
selecting Properties from the Device Context Menu (see Device Con-
text Menu), a dialogue will be shown listing some properties for the
selected device (see The Selected Device).
These are as follows:
Model Name - the Model Name/Number the type of device is usu-
ally known as (e.g. “XTDP24”)
Device Name - the name given to this particular device by the user
(e.g. “Left fill”). This can usually be changed in a control panel, or in
the Device Context Menu (see Device Context Menu)
Settings Name - the name given to the current set of parameter
settings (e.g. “Bright vocal”)
Firmware Model - a number describing the type of software run-
ning in the device
Firmware Version - the version number of the firmware so you can
tell if you have the latest (see Device Firmware)
Handle - a 4-digit hexadecimal number which will uniquely identify
this device on a network
Link Address - a hexadecimal number which the network will use
for addressing this device
Hardware Version - a number representing a variant of the hard-
ware build of a given device type.
When you have finished, just click the Done button.