Widex SCOLA Classmate User Manual

Page 9

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Response to synchronisation signals
A SCOLA FLEX that has gone into “sleep” mode after
a period of not receiving any transmission signal from
an FM transmitter will first “wake up” and then be syn-
chronised to the channel used in the classroom.

In the standard SCOLA FLEX setting, a beep will be
heard every time the receiver receives a synchronisa-
tion signal. The alternative is a setting where a beep
is only generated when the SCOLA FLEX channel is
changed. Please contact the hearing healthcare pro-
fessional, referring to the Programming guide for
ming guide for teachers and professionals.

With Widex Integrated Signal Processing (ISP) hearing
aids set to work with SCOLA FLEX, the hearing aid’s di-
rect audio program is automatically switched on and
off, controlled by the SCOLA FLEX.

During breaks between lessons, the ISP hearing aid will
work in, for example, its standard acoustic program
without the user having to operate the FM switch or re-
move the SCOLA FLEX from the hearing aid. When the
user returns to the lesson, the SCOLA CLASSMATE will
set the SCOLA FLEX to the channel used in that class-
room and switch on the direct audio program, allowing
the FM signal to become audible. Fully automatically.